"...the world you see is yours, because it is different for everyone else."

About Evon

My photo
I am a photographer, a sometimes writer, a gamer, a driver and more. I graduated from Central Michigan University with a double major in Journalism(Photo) and English(Creative Writing). Any Photos are copyright Ryan Evon, The Facts or the Morning Sun 2010/2011/2012. All words by, representing and claimed by Ryan Evon & only him, unless in quotation marks & specified otherwise.

Friday, February 25, 2011

WTF: I'm a big deal in Latvia

Every so often I indulge myself in pretending I'm well known. That my work is lapped up by visual hungry eyes across the world and that their words (and possibly donations) of gratitude just haven't made it to me yet.

Then I wake up and do my job, but I still have a smile on my face, whether I'm widely known or not.

But...I guess I'm catching on in Latvia.

Is Latka from Taxi viewing my blog?

Within the last week I've had 24 pageviews from somewhere in Latvia. Which is kind of sad, because I've only had 38 views from a country that contains every single person I have ever known. What the hell people?

I don't have a lot of knowledge on this topic, but I'm curious if other bloggers have similar experience. I know when I had a regular web site I didn't get any weird international hits.

So...Latvians (is that right?) make some comments; let me know what brought you to the shining bastion of my weird, pointless blog.

On to some photos.

Had yet another portrait to do for sports. The sports editor calls them features, when he means portraits. "A feature on B'wood wrestling" to me means a non-game time photo. Like practice or something, so I kind of expect there to be something going on, but sometimes there isn't. Because to him feature means portrait. Then I am screwed because I wasn't thinking of clever portrait ideas, but now I have it figured out. :D No more tears.

So for the Brazoswood Wrestling...feature, I had an idea to do a really spotlighted photo of the kids he wanted. So I made a snoot (a narrow tube that limits the light coming out of a flash). It was kind of easy, I just cut the middle out of a box of cereal and taped it back together.

The shots worked almost like I wanted, except I wanted the light higher, but there was no way to do that.

021711 Bwood wrestle - Martin

I also had to do a group shot of three girl wrestlers. I was going to do it the same way, in their stances or whatever, but one of them wasn't cooperating. So it turned out a little lame. But they thought it would be funny to do the No Evil Monkey poses, it didn't make the paper though. :(

021711 Bwood wrestle - girls2
Mimicing the three wise monkeys of Japanese proverb; Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru. They see no evil, see no evil and speak no evil.

I read up a little on the monkeys, not the lame "Hey, Hey" band of monkeys, the proverb ones.

Apparently there is a fourth monkey. The "Do No Evil" monkey. Can you guess what he covers??

That's right. His crotch.


Hollographer said...

That's pretty neato!

I don't check my blog very often but I was getting several asian people commenting on my stuff... not sure if they were REAL people or spam, but it was neat to think that they could be real...

John said...

I actually noticed the same thing for my blog. Latvians know what's up!