Austin is my new favorite town in the world. It's a good size, there is a ton of cool places and it just has a character I haven't found in other towns.
The both teams that won the state championships, Danbury softball and Brazoswood Baseball, kind of adopted me as a member of the teams by the end of the weekend.
Probably in the way when you see a sad looking dog standing outside in the heat you feel a little sad. I was soaked through with sweat within the first 10 minutes of the game and would slink into the dugout in between innings to find some respite from the completely unfiltered, unrelenting hellish sky bitch; aka the sun.
I was smart enough to wear sun screen, but I still got a little burnt on my forearms, which are already more brown then they have ever been in my life from my time here.
It was around 100, sunny and beautiful both weekends. The humidity DOES make a difference, but 100 is still hot. 100 in Austin felt about as comfortable as 90 where I live.
I did a video for the stories on both championship teams. The Danbury one was basic and the video camera I was using is a piece of crap, so it was frustrating.
The video for Brazoswood was way better even though I had to use IMovie, which I hate with a passion.
I had a neat idea for the start of the video and it worked exactly like I wanted. I love when that happens.

I taped the little video camera to the end of a baseball bat while they were warming up and had one of their big hitters take a couple swings with it. I had to slow it down a bit for the video, but it looks cool.
Here is a mix of photos from the weekends. Enjoy.