Since I've been gone from the blog I've been playing some games, using a few of them to actually connect with my friends who are far, far away. (Everyone move down here, it's warm!)
But I have actually spent the last few weeks with my mind obsessed with a possible business idea. I honestly felt like a genius, because I'd never heard about anything like it before, I even searched the internet and found nothing similar. So I spent the better part of a day frantically scrawling down details and plans, imagining what could happen if it took off.
The next day, first thing in the morning, I did another search and found a very similar idea. It broke my heart. But it looks like it's not exactly working for I've adjusted my idea and we'll see if I ever actually get to the point where I seriously consider talking about it with people.
Anyway, on to some photos.

Swimming is fun to shoot, but I've said that before.
The one below I've been thinking about for awhile; getting someone completely underwater from over them. It didn't work exactly like I wanted, but I think it's a good first attempt. The water distorted her face, but I like the way it curved her and the lines.

I believe I've mentioned it previously, but my favorite sport to shoot is boxing. Probably because it's just fun to watch from right next to the ring, but also because I don't cover it often.

The story is about the guy on the right, Terrance Woods. He will be boxing on ESPN2 or 3 on Friday, I believe. He seemed pretty damn good. They were having him box for eight rounds, with different guys every couple rounds, so they stayed fresh and he had to deal with it. In his sixth or seventh round they put in a really big dude and after Woods got a few good shots the guy just kept running away; actually almost turning around to move faster a few times. I wish I had those channels.

A cool shot that didn't run because it was a junior varsity kid (boo!). Very intense.

This little girl was the first place female finisher in a local 10k and her dad still gave her a hard time about being slow. Sports parents are jerks.

She was playing a game where you keep a feather floating by blowing before it gets too far down.

Didn't run. Double boo.
That's it for now. I was going to post a shot I took so I could tell the story of how I almost got run over by a car.
But that's the story, I was shooting tailgating and was crouching in a driveway packed full of cars and the guy didn't see me and started to drive his Escalade into my back.
No harm though.