Since that is what I actually do.

This ran black and white in the paper, but still looked cool
I expressed my fondness for the newsroom previously and those feelings are the same for the Journalism vein of photography. I love it. But I love plain ol' photography at its most base level. I started in Art photo classes and that is where my eye grew and matured into the always searching, narrowed-by-the-sun Clint Eastwood-style blue hawk that it has become.

On a recent assignment I photographed some local artists who got together for a sidewalk demonstration/sale. It made me think about something I imagine every so often, having a show/sale of my work.
Obviously can't sell my newspaper work, but I could have it on display with work that I can sell. It would be fun. But expensive and that is usually where I stop thinking about it. But now that I'm near a huge city, I'm wondering if I could find a gallery or something that would sell/show my stuff at little cost to me.
Starting to look into it, but then I start to really go over what I have and doubt if anyone would actually want to buy stuff I've shot. At the paper people buy my photos but they never buy the cool ones, just stupid shots of their dumb kids. Haha


Some of the best ones I've shot people don't buy. It baffles my mind. If this were my kid I'd buy a freaking poster of this...and then find the photographer and give him a thousand dollars just out of gratitude. *fingers crossed*
But I've been thinking of making more of an effort to expand my artistic portfolio on my off time. Do a dual-time bike ride/art hunt around town or maybe in Houston every so often. But then I also try to look for actual work to do on the side, so there is a time issue.

The Texas AP awards came back and I got nothing. Which sucks. I was only working in Texas a few months of 2010, but still. Award time is always stressful and then fulfilling for me. But if I don't win anything it just leaves the first stressful part that sucks.
I don't know about Michigan contests yet. I was dumb and didn't enter anything in the Michigan Press Photographers contest, for some stupid reason I can't figure out. So I've got to rely on the hope that other people submitted my stuff in the two other MI newspaper contests. Which is tough for me. Relying on others, that is. I have done okay in the past and my two photo stories should do well, based on the quality of stories I've entered in the past. If everything got done right...again *fingers crossed*

Been working, thinking, working, thinking. It really keeps me from getting other stuff done. Like my taxes. Barely moved a bit on those and I really should, because I moved and all that. So I'm sure I've got a lot more to do. I HATE them. Even though I get money back. Filling out all these little boxes on the stupid forms makes my fucking head pound. But I'm stubborn and don't want to pay someone to do them. Then two weeks away I freak out. I'm done talking about it because it's stressing me out right now. Stupid little boxes!

This was fun. A quilt show...seriously. Lots of pretty colors, but it was to run in black & white, so I found a B&W quilt to focus on.
That's all I have for now. Actually, it's not. But I am going to stop here anyway.
I probably have another few driving related blogs in me, because it's something I've been fixated on lately.
I've been going in weird cycles of obsession. Cars, games, writing, exercise, games, writing, fish, beer, cars (not one right after the other though), and so on.
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