Well, not exactly. I'm never super comfortable when people are crying, but it does make for powerful photos.
A person is in front of your lens at their most truthful and exposed moment. It's a bit of weight to make sure you capture the moment in the most thoughtful way possible.
Texas A&M have a muster every year, where grads from the school get together and be merry. At the end they remember any alums that have died in a candle lighting ceremony.

It was nice, very dark, but nice.
On the flip side of that event, crying can be fun.

I kind of felt like a Nazi, laughing and taking pictures as some of these kids bawling their eyes out...but it was pretty funny.

Just a quick one this time. But on a creative related update, I've been writing almost every night. I have the urge every so often and I have a folder full of started stories. Some a page long, some twenty.
This one is up to 40 now, and I haven't gotten to the part I'm really thinking about. So it's working pretty well.
It's sort of a weird fiction/autobiography that I'm having a lot of fun writing.
I was thinking about posting some of it, but I'm always weird about letting people read stuff before it's finished...unless it's Jada, because she's been reading my stuff since high school. Normally I feel like I have to stand there to justify and explain things, in case there is some confusion.
Anyway, we'll see where it goes.
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