Yesterday was a crazy long day, as most Saturdays are turning out to be. At least I didn't have to wake up at 7a.m. to shoot some crazy bastards running.
My first assignment was a fund raiser by the Lake Jackson FD for muscular dystrophy. But it wasn't some lame banquet or anything, they were at an intersection walking between the cars at red lights.

It was pretty cool. They had a big ladder truck with a flag on it.

So I asked "can I go up in the bucket?" Of course they let me, had to walk up the ladder, which wasn't a big deal.
When I have a photo in mind I like to think I'll do just about anything to get it, and I usually do. Like this time. I walked up the big ladder to the shaky bucket and took my photos.
It's after I get the job done that I realized, "oh yeah, I hate heights." So I had to walk backwards down the big ladder with no real handrails and my camera bag swinging around. Not a lot of fun, but whatever.
Next I had softball out of town. It was a two game playoff deal, but I only had time for the first game. That is a rough, because they lost the first game, so that is the kind of shots I had. But if they won the second game (and the series) I only had a few celebration shots. Luckily (for me, not them) they lost both games.

She was the final out of the first game. They were on a rally too, it was a real I think the photo sums it up decently.
Another softball shot from last week, it's okay. I just like the three layers of action.

Had two graduations to shoot yesterday. The area homeschool kids and the local college. Dow bought all the college grads Amazon Kindles, lucky jerks.
One of the homeschool kids did a sign language version of some song I've never heard of.

Thumbs up!

This guy was the only one that did something fun with his cap, he took it off and pointed it at the crowd so his wife (right) could read it. Neat.
Well...that's it. I'm probably going to be incommunicado for a video game tomorrow. :D
I can't even explain how excited I am about LA Noire. It's a 40s era detective game set in Los Angeles. Supposed to be incredibly detailed, realistic and challenging. :D

So...tomorrow at midnight I will disappear from the known world for awhile. :D
My Xbox tried to die on me again today though. I also can't explain the frustration that I felt. :D But I cooked it again, appears to be working for now.
I had originally got Tuesday off, because I know me and I'll be playing for quite awhile and will be exhausted on Tuesday. But unfortunately something came up and now I have to work. :(
But not til later on I'll manage to keep the digital streets of LA safe for a little while.
Personally, I feel good lately. I've been riding my bike everyday, except for an incident with a nail on Thursday, and usually doing some exercise at home after that.
Down to 190 for the first time since high school. I don't know where it is going, because I think I look the same...still a little pudgy in the middle. Oh well.
Oh, I've been crappy about responding to comments on here and by email. I apologize.
I'm going to try to make more of an effort, because I really, really appreciate the correspondence and feedback.
Good shot of disappointment. I love the taste of tears and the resonance of failure that reverberates throughout a ballpark after a rally falls short. I, personally, would have had an erection.... I mean.. Well, that was the truth, so, whatever.
In all seriousness though, that is an outstanding picture.
LA Noire sounded intriguing, but I have a feeling it will not be nearly open ended enough to gratify people who were really hoping to use their own ingenuity to solve complex cases.
I haven't heard whether a case can be failed or not, but I'm assuming since the focus of the game is advance through the LAPD if you do fail you start over.
Which I'm okay with, I don't want to let some scumbag get away with murder when I'm on the job.
But the amount of detail in all of the pieces I've seen leads me to believe if you are smart you work quickly, and if you are dumb and mess up you get to see more of the game. I'm seriously torn which way I want to attack it.
Shoot first, ask questions later.
you cooked your x box again and i was worried you were going to starve down there at least your learning to cook.
Yes, fixing my Xbox has made me less afraid of the box of fire in my kitchen.
I have actually cooked a few things in there, but having fixed it twice now...the Xbox is what I have cooked most frequently.
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