Two local rival softball teams are facing each other in the playoffs to see who goes to state. It's pretty cool and we are doing a preview story the day of the game and I got to try some ideas for photos.
My first idea was to have a player from each team sliding toward the same base, from opposite sides. But I didn't want to get the girls dirty before doing other shots, so I worked on some other ideas. Had them face each other in a menacing fashion, which just turned into gigglefest 2011. I had also thought about cutting two players in the same position down the middle. So I shot that with the catchers, it kind of worked.

As I was splicing the two girls together I did the faces last. It started creeping me out, blending their masks together and the two different colored eyes staring at me.

I don't like to do "Photoshopping" that often, but with the right idea you can do something cool.
This was my first idea. It mostly worked, except the girl on the left kept going farther and farther away from the other girl. It was annoying.

It was funny because I thought the girls would be stand-offish with each other and all that because of the rivalry. But they were joking, having a good time and getting really excited as I explained my ideas for the photos. So that was cool.
On Sunday a few of us from the paper got together to play softball against some team from somewhere, I don't know. We had never played together, I've never actually played softball before, or practiced at all. So imagine the surprise when...we lost. Like, pretty bad.
We had some good showing, offensively. I think I had five at bats, got out once cause I hit it right to the pitcher, but I mostly did alright. Got a few RBIs and scored a few times.
But defensively we were in rough shape. I couldn't catch a damned thing, only a few of us could. But most of us had a blast and I hope we can actually start practicing before we try to play anyone again. I need to work on my fielding.
Before the game I was told the field was beer friendly. So I grabbed a few and a cheap cooler, just in case I needed to replenish some lost water and carbs.
Well in the third inning, I think, I sat down after scoring a run and cracked open a Shiner on the bench. The other teams girl on first looked at me funny and I was confused, but happy to have a tasty drink.
It wasn't until after the game that someone noticed the sign in the dugout that I had actually been sitting right under while drinking a beer. :D

Photo by Alex Ybarra
Pretty funny.
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